Gatherings — People Place Coffee
Magic the Gathering night!
Posted by Lily Helms on

Let's play some magic! First Thursday of each month let's get a group together and play some MTG at 7pm. Any skill level is welcome and encouraged.
Community Potluck | Taco Potluck | Bring a Topping
Posted by James Helms on

Our second and now monthly community potluck! We all need to eat, let's eat together! The Rocky Butte Community will be holding a potluck at the space where the espresso bar is at. The theme for May is tacos! Details: May 7th starting at 5pm, 8505 NE Fremont St. Community members are invited to bring their favorite meat/alternative meat, vegetable, sauce or other accompanying toppings. Bring a plate/utensil or paper will be provided. Neighbors Alberto & Christiana Morales have lived in the Rocky Butte Community for many years, they raised a family of artists and are natural community connectors. We've been...
Community Philosophy Gathering
Posted by James Helms on

We are launching our first, regularly scheduled philosophy community philosophy gathering and we will learn together, pivot and have fun reading and having philosophical dialogue.
What: Community Philosophy Gathering
Where: 8505 NE Fremont St.
When: First Wednesday's at 4:30pm
- Tags: Gathering, People Place Coffee, Philosophy