Community Philosophy Gathering
Posted by James Helms on

We are launching our first, regularly scheduled philosophy community philosophy gathering and we will learn together, pivot and have fun reading and having philosophical dialogue.
What: Community Philosophy Gathering
Where: 8505 NE Fremont St.
When: First Wednesday's at 4:30pm
For our first gathering we'll launch out with a selected reading and discussion from Epictetus an early Stoic philosopher who taught that philosophy isn't about ideas but a way of life that extends past theory and into practice. To Epictetus, all external events are outside of our ability to control them. As a result we should accept whatever happens calmly and dispassionately. However, we retain our personal agency and remain responsible for our actions. With work we as individual members within a community should examine and work to a life of flourishing.
I'm excited about examining stoic teachings and we want to be a part of a flourishing community.
For a full calendar of currently scheduled gatherings visit our calendar page.
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