Blog — Farm

Sourcing Coffee Direct From the Farm | Taking Care of People

Posted by James Helms on

Sourcing Coffee Direct From the Farm | Taking Care of People
Coffee farmers are most often underpaid. Paying farmers less than a subsistent wage for their coffee is an unethical business practice. It's exploitation. Paying farmers a living wage is one part of our core distinctive (that being people, place, coffee...). Buying direct from the farm is a way to ensure a living wage.

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Plant Start Sale | An Emerging Ecology in the Neighborhood

Posted by James Helms on

Plant Start Sale | An Emerging Ecology in the Neighborhood
The Beech Street Community Garden (it's really a farm nowadays) is selling plant starts and will use the funds to buy material to continue to maintain and expand the food that is grown...An emerging ecology is an exciting sign...We have an open license to become a helpful part of the neighborhood ecology.

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